In 2016, I wrote a blog post that achieved great success, not because of the complexity of its content or my exemplary writing. No, in 2016, I published the list of lists of HR Key Performance Indicators. A few years later, it is still the most read post on my blog. So I thought to myself, "You like lists? Well, I'll give you a WHOLE one!" Here it is, the list of lists. Forget the previous one; this one will be more comprehensive! I won't publish all the calculation formulas, I won't provide all the definitions, but you'll have a list! Quite a list! As a certain Dominique Michel often said, "This is my last Bye! Bye!" Well, I'm telling you, "This is my last list!"
People analytics is much more than a list of indicators! However, the enthusiasm of the HR function for lists of indicators probably reflects a relatively low adoption rate of analytics in our Quebec organizations. So, here is the list of lists.
The number in parentheses indicates the frequency of use of this indicator in the mandates I have carried out. This will give you an idea of the most used indicators. This list contains 298 indicators! And there are others!
Demography and structure of your organization
Headcount (100%)
Average Age (91%)
Average Tenure (91%)
Gender Ratio (80%)
Average Salary (69%)
Percentage of Permanent and Temporary Employees (26%)
Percentage of Full-Time and Part-Time Employees (20%)
Distribution of Employees by Age Group (14%)
Diversity Index (14%)
Percentage of Women in Leadership Position (11%)
Distribution of Employees by Tenure Range (11%)
Distribution of Employees by Origin (continent/country) (9%)
Average Retirement Age (9%)
Percentage of Immigrants (6%)
Average Manager Tenure (6%)
Distribution of Employees by Hierarchical Level (6%)
Number of Consultants (freelancers) (6%)
Number of Spoken Languages (6%)
Number of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) (6%)
Percentage of Unionized Employees (3%)
Average Managers Age (3%)
Distribution of Employees by Generation (3%)
Percentage of Managers (3%)
Gender Distribution (1%)
Percentage of Disabled Persons (1%)
Diversity of the Leadership Team (1%)
Number of Authorized Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) (1%)
Number of Employees Eligible for Retirement (1%)
Number of Employees Near Retirement (60 years) (1%)
Number of Hires (100%)
Number of Departures (100%)
Net Hire Ratio (63%)
Internal Mobility Rate (34%)
Promotion Rate (20%)
Number of Transfers (9%)
Number of Promotions (6%)
Number of Demotions (6%)
Average Time to Promotion (3%)
Number of Years to Reach a Higher Level (3%)
Career Path Ratio (3%)
Average Time to the First Promotion (1%)
Retention Rate of New Hires (1 year) (94%)
Turnover Rate (91%)
Voluntary Turnover Rate (91%)
Involuntary Turnover Rate (91%)
Total Turnover Cost (83%)
Turnover Rate of High Performers (60%)
Retention Rate (23%)
Involuntary Turnover Rate of New Hires (20%)
Resignation Rate of New Hires (17%)
Number of Retirements (11%)
Retention Rate at 6 months or less (11%)
Turnover Rate of High Potentials (11%)
Percentage of Regrettable Departures (9%)
Number of Involuntary Departures (6%)
Number of Voluntary Departures (6%)
Retirement Rate (6%)
Retention Rate by Manager (6%)
Number of Resignations (3%)
3-Months Turnover Rate (3%)
6-Months Turnover Rate (3%)
One Year Turnover Rate (3%)
Turnover Rate by Tenure (3%)
Resignation Rate (3%)
Departure Reasons Distribution (1%)
Work Time
Absenteeism Rate (51%)
Number of Lost Days per Employee (46%)
Overtime Rate (9%)
Bradford Factor (6%)
Absence Frequency Rate (6%)
Overtime as a Percentage of Labor Costs (6%)
Absenteeism Cost (3%)
Average Social Leave per Employee (3%)
Average Sick Days per Employee (3%)
Number of Overtime Hours (3%)
Average Number of Absentees per Day (3%)
Overtime Frequency Rate (3%)
Expected Working Hours (1%)
Actual Working Hours (1%)
Statutory Absence Hours (1%)
Circumstantial Absence Hours (1%)
Administrative Absence Hours (1%)
Total Absence Hours (1%)
Presence at Work Rate (1%)
Number of Employees on Sick Leave (1%)
Absences Reason Distribution (1%)
Average Length of Absences (1%)
Employees in Overtime (1%)
Total Overtime Cost (1%)
Total Absenteeism Count (1%)
Total Overtime Count (1%)
Average Length of Overtime hours (1%)
Referral Hire Rate (71%)
Average Time-to-Fill (69%)
Quality of Hire Index (46%)
Cost per Hire (43%)
Offer Acceptance Rate (34%)
Hiring Source Distribution (29%)
Number of Open Positions (11%)
Average Time to Start (9%)
Intermediate Lead Times (Posting, Pre-Selection, Interview, etc.) (9%)
Number of Applications Received per Position (9%)
Number of Visits to Career Site (9%)
Recruitment Process Satisfaction Rate (9%)
Total Recruitment Costs (6%)
Time to Fill a Critical Position (6%)
Number of Social Media Followers (6%)
Candidates per Accepted Offer (6%)
Number of Unsolicited Applications (6%)
Number of Rehires (6%)
New Employee Satisfaction Rate (6%)
External Recruitment Cost (3%)
Internal Recruitment Cost (3%)
Diversity of New Employees in Management Positions (3%)
Number of Applicants per Interview (3%)
Number of Female Applicants (3%)
Number of CVs Received per Month (3%)
Number of Open Requisitions per Recruiter (3%)
Open Positions and Filled Positions Ratio (3%)
Number of Offers per Hire (3%)
Recruiting Cost Type Distribution (3%)
Conversion Rate (3%)
Rehire Rate (3%)
Internal Hiring Rate (3%)
Number of Applicants per Position (1%)
Application Source Distribution (1%)
Percentage of No Show (1%)
Distribution of Job Offer Refusing Reason (1%)
Number of Immigrant Applications (1%)
New Employee Performance (1%)
Talent/Succession Planning
Percentage of Key Positions with an Identified Successor (23%)
Percentage of Key Positions with a Ready Successor (17%)
Number of Identified Successors (11%)
Number of Key Positions (11%)
Number of High Potential (9%)
Number of Successors per Key Position (9%)
Percentage of High Potential (6%)
Percentage of High Potential with Development Plan (6%)
Number of Employees per 9-box Grid (3%)
Number of Ready Successors (3%)
Number of Ready Successors 1 to 2 years (3%)
Percentage of Key Positions Filled Internally (3%)
Average Performance of Newly Promoted Successors (3%)
Percentage of High Potential Promoted (3%)
High Potential Promotion Rate (3%)
Percentage of Vacant Key Positions (3%)
Number of Vacant Key Positions (3%)
Percentage of Key Positions without Successors (3%)
Number of Identified Successors with a Development Plan (1%)
Percentage of Positions with a Ready Successor in 4 to 5 years (1%)
Percentage of Key Positions (1%)
Percentage of Executive Positions with an Identified Successor (1%)
Percentage of Executive Positions with a Ready Successor (1%).
Employee Recommendation Rate (ENPS) (34%)
Engagement Index (17%)
Glassdoor Recommendation Rate (11%)
Employee Engagement Rate (11%)
Participation Rate for Engagement Survey (9%)
Key Talent Engagement Rate (3%)
Onboarding Satisfaction Rate (3%)
Percentage of Employees with Flexible Work Arrangements (3%)
Span of Control (91%)
Management Quality Index (composite indicator) (29%)
Manager Span of Control (9%)
Leadership Satisfaction Rate (3%)
Percentage of Managers without Direct Reports (3%)
Manager Stability Rate (3%)
Percentage of Managers with a Development Plan (3%)
Percentage of Managers Participating in Leadership Development Programs (1%)
Percentage of Employees Participating in Leadership Development Programs (1%)
Management Stability Rate (1%)
Training and Development
Average Employee Training Hours (49%)
Average Employee Training Investment (43%)
Percent of Total Employee Trained (20%)
Total Training Cost (11%)
Training Investment as a Percentage of Payroll (11%)
Total Training Hours (6%)
Satisfaction with Training (6%)
Percentage of Completion of Individual Development Plans (3%)
Percentage of Employees who Completed e-Learning Modules (3%)
Percentage of Employees who Started e-Learning Modules (3%)
Percentage of employees with a development plan (3%)
Training Investment as a Percentage of Total Expenses (3%)
Training Cost per Hour (3%)
Number of Drop Out During Training (3%)
Number of Courses Offered (3%)
Number of Development Plans (3%)
Number of Trained Employees (3%)
Training Goals Achievement Rate (3%)
Training Success Rate (3%)
Percentage of Employees Participating in Compliance and Ethics Training (1%)
Percentage of Employees Trained by Type of Learning (1%)
Training Budget (1%)
Comparison of Training Budgets with Training Costs (1%)
Performance Management
Percentage of Employees by Performance Level (71%)
Number of Employees by Performance Level (60%)
Pay Differential between High performers and Others (54%)
Number of Employees Rated (37%)
Percentage of Employees Rated (31%)
Average Performance Rating (29%)
Average Performance Rating of New Employees (17%)
Average Performance Rating of Managers (17%)
Management Performance Index (17%)
Number of Employees without a Rating (3%)
Percentage of Employees with Improved Rating (3%)
Number of One-on-One Meetings (3%)
Number of Mid-Year One-on-One Meetings (3%)
Number of Year-End One-on-One Meetings (3%)
Average Compensation Cost (26%)
Total Compensation Increase (9%)
Percentage of Benefits (9%)
Total Payroll (3%)
Total Payroll Increase (3%)
Benefits Type Districution (3%)
Salary Compa-Ratio (3%)
Total Compensation (1%)
Direct Compensation (1%)
Indirect Compensation (1%)
Bonus Percent of Total Compensation (1%)
Pay Grade Penetration Rate (1%)
Percentage of Employees Outside Pay Grade (1%)
Salary Cap Ratio (1%)
Average Total Compensation vs Market (1%)
Compensation Satisfaction Rate (1%)
Health and Well-being
Number of Employee on Disability Leave (14%)
Number of Employee on Physical Disability Leave (14%)
Number of Employee on Psychological Disability Lea (14%)
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Utilization Rate (14%)
EAP Consultation Reason Distribution (11%)
Number of EAP Assistance Requests (6%)
Group Insurance Cost (3%)
EAP Cost (3%)
Group Insurance Cost Increase (3%)
Percentage of Disability Leave (3%)
Number of Disability Days per Employee (3%).
Workplace Health and Safety
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (14%)
Lost Time Injury Severity Rate (14%)
Severity Index (11%)
Average Duration of Lost Time (3%)
Number of Injuries with Lost Time (3%)
Number of Injuries (3%)
Number of Consecutive Days without Lost Time (3%)
Average Number of Days on Temporary Assignment (3%)
Number of Lost Days (3%)
Absenteeism Rate due to Work-Related Injuries (3%)
Incidence Rate (3%)
Percentage of Employees who Participated in Occupational Health and Safety Training (1%)
Number of Work Incidents (1%)
Quasi Injury Rate (1%)
Mortality Rate (1%)
Labor Relations
Number of Grievances (6%)
Number of Complaints (6%)
Percentage of Grievances (3%)
Number of Grievances per 100 Employees (1%)
Number of Complaints per 100 Employees (1%)
Number of Disciplinary Measures (1%)
Number of Disciplinary Measures per 100 employees (1%)
Number of Answered Grievances (1%)
Number of Analyzed Grievances (1%)
Average Time for Grievance Analysis (1%)
Number of Grievances in Arbitration (1%)
Average Time in Arbitration (1%)
Number of Grievances in Judgment (1%)
Average Time in Judgment (1%)
Number of Grievances Withdrawals (1%)
Number of Settled Grievances (1%)
Percentage of Settled Grievances (1%)
Number of Won Grievances (1%)
Percentage of Won Grievances (1%)
Percentage of Lost Grievances (1%)
Grievance Resolution Time (1%)
Total Cost of Grievances (1%)
Average cost of Grievances (1%)
Number of Collective Agreements (1%)
Number of Unionized Employees (1%)
Percentage of Unionized Employees (1%)
Number of Work Stoppages (1%)
Duration of Work Stoppages (1%)
Number of Negotiation Sessions (1%)
Number of Conflicts Referred to External Parties (1%)
HR Financials
Labor Cost as a Percentage of Revenue (34%)
Human Capital Return on Investment (31%)
Revenue per Employee (26%)
Profit per Employee (9%)
Human Capital Value Added (9%)
Labor Cost as a Percentage of Expenses (6%)
Labor Efficiency Rate (3%)
Total Labor Cost (1%)
Internal Labor Cost (1%)
External Labor Cost (1%)
Ratio of Average salary to CEO’s Compensation (1%)
HR Function
HR Ratio per Employee (31%)
HR Expenses per Employee (14%)
Satisfaction with the HR Function (6%)
Number of HR Professionals (1%)
Number of Certified HR professionals (1%)
Note that our People analytics application KARA, contains the majority of these indicators. Feel free to contact me for more information!
